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import babelTraverse from '@babel/traverse'; import {File as BabelNodes} from '@babel/types'; import * as babelParser from '@babel/parser'; import {ParseableFile} from './parsable_file'; import {PackageJSON} from './package_json'; const defaults = {readonly: true}; export class BabelFile extends ParseableFile<BabelNodes> { constructor( public props: ConstructorParameters<typeof ParseableFile>[0] & { plugins?: babelParser.ParserPlugin[]; // modifyDependency?: (dep: string) => string; pkg?: PackageJSON; } = defaults ) { super({...props, ...defaults}); this.props = {...props, ...defaults}; } get pkg() { return this.props.pkg ?? new PackageJSON({cwd: this.cwd}); } /** @see */ static getBuiltins() { try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const result = require('module'); // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins return result.builtinModules; } catch (e) { /* istanbul ignore next */ // prettier-ignore return [ 'assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'console', 'constants', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'module', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'process', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'sys', 'timers', 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'vm', 'zlib' ]; } } static builtins = BabelFile.getBuiltins(); static isNativeImport(pkg: string) { return BabelFile.builtins.includes(pkg); } static isLocalImport(pkg: string) { return Boolean(pkg.match('^/|^./|^../')); } static isNodePackageImport(pkg: string) { return !BabelFile.isNativeImport(pkg) && !BabelFile.isLocalImport(pkg); } get packageImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.imports).filter(BabelFile.isNodePackageImport); })(); } get localImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.imports).filter(BabelFile.isLocalImport); })(); } get nativeImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.imports).filter(BabelFile.isNativeImport); })(); } get packageRecursiveImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.recursiveImports).filter(BabelFile.isNodePackageImport); })(); } get localRecursiveImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.recursiveImports).filter(BabelFile.isLocalImport); })(); } get nativeRecursiveImports() { return (async () => { return (await this.recursiveImports).filter(BabelFile.isNativeImport); })(); } get plugins(): babelParser.ParserPlugin[] { Iif (this.props.plugins && this.props.plugins.length) return this.props.plugins; return ['typescript', 'classProperties', 'classPrivateProperties']; } // get modifyDependency() { // return this.props?.modifyDependency; // } private cacheParsedContent?: BabelNodes; parse(content: string): BabelNodes { if (this.cacheParsedContent) return this.cacheParsedContent; this.cacheParsedContent = babelParser.parse(content, { sourceType: 'module', plugins: this.plugins, }); return this.cacheParsedContent; } private cacheImports?: string[]; get imports(): Promise<string[]> { return (async () => { if (this.cacheImports) return this.cacheImports; let imports: string[] = []; const content = await this.parsedContent; babelTraverse(content, { CallExpression: astPath => { /* istanbul ignore next */ if ('name' in astPath.node?.callee) { if (astPath.node?.callee?.name === 'require') { const arg = astPath.node.arguments[0]; /* istanbul ignore next */ if ('value' in arg && typeof arg.value === 'string') { imports.push(arg.value); // if (this.modifyDependency) arg.value = this.modifyDependency(arg.value); } } } }, ImportDeclaration: astPath => { imports.push(astPath.node.source.value); // if (this.modifyDependency) { // astPath.node.source.value = this.modifyDependency(astPath.node.source.value); // } }, }); imports = => { if (BabelFile.isLocalImport(i)) { return path.join(this.dirname, `${i}${this.extname}`); } return i; }); this.cacheImports = imports; return this.cacheImports; })(); } static uniqueString(a: string[]) { function onlyUnique(value: string, index: number, self: string[]) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; } const unique = a.filter(onlyUnique); // returns ['a', 1, 2, '1'] return unique; } private cacheSiblingFiles: {[key: string]: BabelFile} = {}; private cacheRecursiveImports: string[] = []; private fileCacheCheck(path: string) { return typeof this.cacheSiblingFiles[path] !== 'undefined'; } private fileCacheAdd(file: BabelFile) { this.cacheSiblingFiles[file.path] = file; } private async recursiveImportAdd(file: BabelFile) { const imports = await file.imports; this.cacheRecursiveImports = BabelFile.uniqueString([...this.cacheRecursiveImports, ...imports]); } get recursiveDependencies(): Promise<[string[], {[key: string]: BabelFile}]> { return (async (): Promise<[string[], {[key: string]: BabelFile}]> => { if (this.cacheRecursiveImports.length !== 0) { return [this.cacheRecursiveImports, this.cacheSiblingFiles]; } const recursive = async (babelFile: BabelFile) => { await this.fileCacheAdd(babelFile); await this.recursiveImportAdd(babelFile); return (await babelFile.localImports).reduce((promise, path) => { return promise.then(async () => { const isCached = this.fileCacheCheck(path); if (isCached) return; const file = new BabelFile({path}); this.fileCacheAdd(file); await recursive(file); }); }, Promise.resolve()); }; await recursive(this); return [this.cacheRecursiveImports, this.cacheSiblingFiles]; })(); } get recursiveImports() { return (async () => { const [imports] = await this.recursiveDependencies; return imports; })(); } get recursiveSiblings() { return (async () => { const [, siblings] = await this.recursiveDependencies; return Object.values(siblings); })(); } /** Given a package json file, will pluck all npm dependencies */ get dependencies(): Promise<{[k: string]: string}> { return (async () => { const imports = await this.packageRecursiveImports; const nativeImports = await this.nativeRecursiveImports; const allDependencies = await this.pkg.dependencies; const dependencies = {}; imports.forEach(i => { const version = allDependencies[i]; if (!version) throw new Error(`Dependency "${i}" is not found in package.json.`); Object.assign(dependencies, {[i]: version}); }); nativeImports.forEach(i => { const version = allDependencies[i]; if (version) Object.assign(dependencies, {[i]: version}); }); return dependencies; })(); } } |